Formula Shortages: Earthquakes & Government Shutdown 2019
Update: This post was originally written at during the Government Shutdown of 2019, however since then the US -Puerto Rico specifically- has experienced a multitude of earthquakes that impacted families’ ability to get infant formula.
As of this writing, we're on the 35th day of the government shut down. As many of you are acutely aware, the impacts of the shutdown are severe and far-reaching. A concern for many formula feeding parents is whether or not there will be formula available through the government-funded programs that they rely on if the shutdown continues to stretch on.
The "hypothetical " concerns are quickly approaching becoming a reality and many parents are scrambling to find alternative sources of formula in preparation for the shortage. As you might imagine, this potential crisis has reignited a heated but essential conversation in the professional lactation community. I wanted to share with you all the most important takeaways from the collective brains of my colleagues for without them,I wouldn't be the lactation professional I am today.
Over the past few days people have been sharing a modern take of the "old school formula" recipe that was common through the '60s, until commercial formula became the standard.
I've struggled with the idea of sharing this on my website because I DON'T ENDORSE this at all, but I also think it may be helpful for those who are not familiar with the picture I am referencing. If you want to check it out, you can here.
The thing to remember about at home preparation, including this recipe, is that much of the potential for issues are not in the ingredients but in the preparation. There are many of opportunity for contamination, which could make a baby sick. Though the original recipe was in use for a long time, the official stance of many organizations is one that warns against its use.
I also think it's important to note that while I DON'T ENDORSE its use, and despite the risk, if push came to shove and NO OTHER options were available, this recipe will keep a baby alive during a crisis.
Many people will suggest that formula feeding parents just switch to human milk. This is not helpful and shows a lack of understanding of the circumstances of many families living in America.
With that said, if you are currently human milk feeding in any capacity, please do not stop now.
But realistically those who are contemplating homemade formula are not currently human milk feeding and so using human milk is not an option. Relactating takes time and energy that many people don't have and is not a short term solution. Additionally, not everyone has access to those who are milk sharing or a place to store the volume of milk that would be potentially needed until the programs are back up and formula becomes available again.
So what can you do?
If you have a local food pantry, many receive artificial infant formula donations, so look there first. Make sure to check the expiry date on the cans because many pantries have expired formula. There currently is little data on the safety of feeding formula to babies past the expiration date.
One may argue that it's similar to expiration dates on other food items, being a "best by" date rather than an actual "spoiled date." On the other hand, we have no data to support that idea, so it's not ethical to suggest ignoring the date even in an emergency crisis. But at the end of the day, each parent has to decide what they feel comfortable doing based on their circumstances.
You can check your local pediatrician's office to see if they have any free samples or extra on hand that they could give.
You may also attempt to request free samples from the formula companies themselves which are quick to give them out to every pregnant person on the planet. Other parents who aren't using formula may also have non- expired samples on hand that they can part with to help.
And if you cannot find enough formula through those means, then preparing a homemade formula may be your only option. It's our job as professionals who deal with infant feeding to make sure everyone has access to the safest infant feeding practices available. Luckily for us, the World Health Organization (WHO) has already outlined proper formula preparation during emergency situations.
If you ever find yourself in need to use a homemade formula, please download this and save this. Rather than sharing the picture of the homemade recipe I linked above, this is a safer more complete resource for those who unfortunately find themselves in that situation.
For my spanish speaking friends :)
If you have any question regarding finding the right type of formula for you, proper formula prep or anything that has to do with infant feeding, please reach out. Though I am a lactation professional, I work all types of families, human milk feeding or not. You can book a consultation with me here.